Have you ever dreamed of a place that had so much candy, you would explode trying to eat it all? Or that the candy was so big – it wouldn’t even fit in your mouth?
Think about it – what would that world look like? You may think of the Candyland game with its Chocolate Mountain and Peppermint Forest. Candy at every step.
What type of creatures live in this candy land of yours? You can think of someone other than Lord Licorice and Queen Frostine. What about a racer, like Vanellope from Sugar Rush in Wreck it Ralph?
I bet you can think of a candy world with candy people and create a great story. What if the giant sucker is attacking the licorice town – who will be the hero to defend them?

Maybe they’ll call out the army and pummel the giant sucker with jelly beans.

Do the different flavors of jelly bean do different things? Are some to create smoke and some the spurt a gooey substances to stop the invading sucker? Maybe there is a top secret one that will shrink the sucker or make someone big?! You could grow a marshmallow peep to be your protector!
Is your giant sucker a good guy? Maybe he’s really a comedian that travels between towns. If they don’t like him, they throw jelly beans. What if he got mad because they threw jelly beans – then what would he do?

Maybe Mr. Giant Sucker is looking for a pet – what type of pet would a giant sucker have? A gummi bear? A chocolate chicken? Or something even more weird? go for it – I bet you can come up with the best candy animal pet ever.
Use the pictures above to create a great story with more candy than you thought could exist.